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Monday, 11 June 2012

Invisible art? I can't see it myself.

It's all go at the moment, we're coming into the summer months and the gallery is getting busier, we are in the middle of organising our Summer Exhibition in July (more about that later), the website still needs lots of work, oh and I am trying to find some quiet time to actually paint some pictures. Not to mention trying to finish building a house... in my spare time! So the prospect of having to sit down and write today's blog was a bit of a distraction. 

Well, I thought, I could leave the whole page blank, just white space and call it "Invisible Art" and let you, the viewer, use your own imagination. Better still, I could charge you £8 for the privilege! Why hadn't I thought of it before?

One problem. Nobody is going to fall for that are they? Well you may be in for a bit of a shock. London's Hayward Gallery is doing exactly that with it's current exhibition "Invisible: Art about the Unseen 1957 - 2012". Effectively they are charging you to visit a virtually empty gallery with such exhibits as a bare plinth and a canvas painted entirely with invisible ink.

Jeppe Hein's Invisible Labyrinth at the "Invisible... " exhibition (or is it a squash court?)

Now don't get me wrong, I'm no Luddite and I am all for pushing the boundaries in art but this is a clear case of the Emperor's new clothes. As for invisible art, I can't see it myself.

If people in London are struggling to find quality art to spend their money on then they could do worse than take a trip to the West Country. An abundance of talent can be found within the region from St Ives to Appledore and beyond. Devon and Cornwall are fast becoming recognised as the place to find original art... if it hasn't always been.

Some of you may have visited the fantastic Appledore Arts Festival, which took place over the last few days highlighting the variety and breadth of artistic talent in the area. The Appledore Arts Festival is now in its 14th year, one of many such events held in the South West with the creative arts going from strength to strength throughout the region. London take note.

Anyway, after inspirational Appledore it's back to the easel to get on with my own paintings in time for our Summer Exhibition. Starting with a blank canvas is always the hardest, here's a sneak preview of how I'm getting on...

...wait a minute, it might just be finished! Yes, maybe this could be invisible art entitled "I saw you coming". Maybe not, nobody's that gullible are they? See how it turns out at West Gallery's Summer Exhibition starting on July16th 2012.

If you would like an invite to our exhibition preview evening drop us an email at info@westgallery.co.uk

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