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Monday, 23 July 2012

Elvis on the Moon

On the eve of the "Greatest show on Earth", the sun has come out after nearly four months of rain. Coincidence? Have the powers that be behind this spectacle of sport and, of course, commercial extravagance been tinkering with the weather? Ridiculous, I hear you say, but it wouldn't be the first time. It was reported that the Chinese seeded the clouds during the Beijing (that's Peking to us oldies) Olympics to guarantee good weather, not to mention using CGI to embellish their firework display at the opening ceremony. With so much at stake financially it is not beyond the realms of fantasy. If it starts to rain the day after the closing ceremony it will have all the conspiracy theorists jumping about with excitement and citing Elvis Presley, the moon landings and Princess Diana, to mention but a few.

Elvis on the moon... hmm?

Still, I am not complaining, the fine weather is bringing people out in their numbers, our Summer Exhibition is well under way and it has been a fantastic week with lots of artwork being sold to those who appreciate beautiful things. So, if you have not been to the gallery before come and have a look. If you have been, come and see the new work we have exhibited for the summer, it's spectacular and not an Olympic ring in sight... I think.

There's no doubt that there is a sinister side to the commercial aspect of the Olympics and that wearing a Pepsi T-shirt or Nike trainers may get you in trouble with the brand police. Maybe that is why there are missiles on the top of tower blocks, not for terrorists but to obliterate people not conforming to approved dress standards. Fortunately in North Devon we don't have to worry about such things (I say as I nervously look over my shoulder at the thought I may have committed some Olympic crime and any moment now my windows are blown in as commandos clad in black from head to foot pin me to the ground.)

Olympic faux pax

I am not the only one to be worried. I noticed a coffee drinker was putting his liberty in danger when carelessly putting his mug down on a piece of paper. Now, I have the solution to his dilemma, a sort of get out of jail free card. Yes, for only £25 this gentleman could have invested in a set of four superbly hand-crafted glass coasters from West Gallery in a variety of unique designs.

For many more antidotes to the threat of Olympic over zealousness pop into West Gallery and chill out. Remember you are in Devon where the sun always shines, summer lasts for ever, the scenery is stunning and nothing happens too quickly. Oh, and if you are wearing the wrong thing we won't make you strip down to your underwear.

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